A new report from Clean Energy Canada, “Opening the Door,” indicates that switching to an electric vehicle can lead to significant household savings in all provinces except for Alberta. While the savings vary for detached homes, townhouses and condos, in all provinces except Alberta, households are saving money over time by making sustainable upgrades, the study notes. When looking at Clean Energy Canada’s data, Ontario consumers are positioned to save approximately $551 when making sustainable energy switches in a detached house; $421 for a townhouse; and $220 for a condo. By comparison, Alberta consumers are only looking at approximately $21 in savings for a detached home; $64 in a townhouse; and $51 for a condo.

In October, Durham College announced the launch of its new Electric Drive Vehicle Technician (EDVT) program–one of only two programs offered in Ontario. As noted in a media release, “in addition to technical skills, students will develop critical problem-solving abilities by working on real-world scenarios in state-of-the-art shops, simulating the complexities they’ll encounter in the field. By the time they graduate, they’ll have completed a 56-hour EV capstone project that fuses learning from previous course work in electric and hybrid vehicle technology, offering a hands-on project-based experience.”