Foundation Automotive Identifies 24 Local Charitable Giving and Community Partnerships for 2024


Economic and Social Contributions

As a significant contributor to the Wichita Falls tax base, and a key employer in the region, Foundation Automotive is not just a business entity, but a pillar of the community. “Our success is intertwined with the well-being of our community,” states Kevin Kutschinski, owner. The dealership’s contributions go beyond the economic, fostering a network of support and collaboration that enriches the community’s fabric.

Planned Philanthropic Efforts

In 2024, Foundation Automotive of Wichita Falls will engage with and support a wide spectrum of community pillars, from schools and religious organizations, to community sports teams and non-profits. “Education, faith, and sports are not just activities or beliefs; they are the glue that holds our community together,” explains Brad Rodgers, General Manager for Foundation Automotive of Wichita Falls.

Collaboration with Community Organizations

A key strategy for 2024 involves deepening partnerships with local churches, community organizations, and non-profits to identify and fulfill critical needs. Whether it’s supporting after-school programs, contributing to the maintenance and growth of places of worship, or sponsoring local sports teams, Foundation Automotive is dedicated to being a hands-on partner in community development.

Detailed Philanthropic Efforts for 2024

Foundation Automotive is setting the stage for a series of impactful collaborations and initiatives aimed at fostering educational growth, spiritual well-being, and physical health within the community. Plans include funding technology upgrades in local schools, sponsoring community events at various places of worship, and providing new equipment and uniforms for community sports teams.

“Our goal is to connect with every aspect of our community, bringing positive changes and strengthening our bond,” shared Brad Rodgers, General Manager.

Expanded Community Engagement Efforts

Foundation Automotive recognizes that impactful philanthropy extends well beyond monetary donations. In 2024, the dealership is committed to dedicating its collective time, expertise, and resources to a variety of hands-on projects and initiatives that not only enrich the community but also safeguard the environment and foster a culture of inclusivity.

Hands-On Environmental Projects:

  • Community Green Spaces: Partnering with local environmental organizations to develop and maintain green spaces within Wichita Falls. This includes planting trees, creating community gardens, and restoring local parks. These efforts not only beautify the community but also contribute to biodiversity and environmental sustainability.
  • Recycling Drives: Organizing community-wide recycling drives to promote environmental awareness and action. By involving schools, businesses, and individual households, the dealership group aims to set a precedent for recycling and waste management practices in the community.

Volunteerism and Direct Support:

  • Building Homes for Families in Need: Collaborating with organizations like Habitat for Humanity to provide not just financial support but also volunteer labor. Employees from the dealerships will dedicate their time to building homes, offering a tangible testament to the dealerships’ commitment to giving back.
  • Highway Cleanup Initiatives: Adopting a local highway or section of the city for regular cleanup efforts. This not only contributes to the environmental health of Wichita Falls, but also instills a sense of pride and ownership among participants.

Support for Underrepresented Communities:

  • Scholarships for Minority Students: Establishing scholarship funds aimed at supporting minority students in Wichita Falls. These scholarships will help break down financial barriers to education, opening up new opportunities for academic and professional growth.
  • Mentorship Programs: Launching mentorship programs that pair dealership employees with young people from underrepresented communities. These programs aim to provide guidance, support, and opportunities for personal and professional development–especially within the service advisor and technician communities.

Reflecting on the Broader Impact

These initiatives reflect Foundation Automotive of Wichita Falls’ holistic approach to philanthropy — an approach that goes beyond financial aid to include active participation and leadership in efforts that make Wichita Falls a healthier, more inclusive, and more vibrant community. “We believe in the power of action and presence,” says Corey Byrd. “It’s about rolling up our sleeves, being on the ground, and doing the work that makes a difference. It’s how we build a better future for all of us.”

By engaging in these diverse projects, Foundation Automotive not only contributes to the immediate well-being of the Wichita Falls community, but also lays the groundwork for lasting change. Through environmental stewardship, cultural celebration, and attention to underrepresented communities, the dealership group is helping to shape a community that values and protects its resources, celebrates its diversity, and provides equitable opportunities for all its members.

Impact and Goals

The dealerships’ comprehensive approach in 2024 is designed to not only address immediate community needs but also to lay the groundwork for long-term development and community cohesion. By focusing on education, Foundation Automotive aims to empower the next generation with the tools and knowledge needed for success. In supporting religious organizations, they seek to nurture the community’s spiritual health and inclusivity. And through sports, they hope to promote teamwork, discipline, and physical well-being among the youth.

“Through these efforts, we envision a Wichita Falls where every child, adult, and family has the opportunity to grow, contribute, and thrive,” says Corey Byrd, underscoring Foundation Automotive’s commitment.

Quotes from Leadership

Kevin Kutschinski reflects on the initiative, “2024 is not just another year for us; it’s a call to action. We have the resources, the platform, and the ability to make a difference. Every endeavor we undertake brings us one step closer to a brighter, more connected Wichita Falls.”

Corey Byrd adds, “Collaboration is key. Occasionally during an election year, things can become divisive; however, our goal is to bring people together and I know that we will achieve extraordinary things.”

Brad Rodgers concludes, “Our commitment is unwavering. We’re here to support, uplift, and inspire. Let’s make 2024 a year of unparalleled community achievement in Wichita Falls.”


Foundation Automotive of Wichita Falls is excited to partner with local organizations, churches, and non-profits to identify opportunities for collaboration and support via their 24 in ‘24 initiative. They invite community leaders and organizations to come forward with ideas, projects, and initiatives that can benefit from the dealership’s involvement.

“We are more than a dealership; we are your neighbors, friends, and partners in building a stronger community. We want to help make the community even better together. Let’s make 2024 a landmark year,” Brad Rodgers said.

For more information on Foundation Automotive of Wichita Falls’ 2024 philanthropic efforts or to discuss partnership opportunities, please email the dealership with your contact details and proposal at

About Foundation Automotive

Foundation Automotive Corp. is a growing automotive group with over 30 dealerships in the United States. They are focused on consistently elevating employee and customer experience through trust, transparency and innovation. Find more information on their website or for the Wichita Falls dealerships.


Leah Webb, VP of Marketing

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