A U.K. news source is reporting that a “genius tip” gone viral on TikTok is encouraging drivers to repair unsightly body scratches with nail polish. TikTok user @happywifehappylifehaha is to blame. “I will show you a trick that dealership workers use,” she captioned the video. “Just use the cheapest nail polish colour of your car to remove all the scratches.” Then, wielding a $2 nail polish bottle, the woman in the video slathers the paint on her car.
What do you do when the sun’s out nearly all day on the Fourth of July? Does the holiday even exist without fireworks? Ask Anchorage, Alaska, locals—there’s a nearby resort that, since 2005, has been celebrating American independence by tossing cars and RVs off a 300-foot (91 metre) cliff. They don’t just roll ‘em off the cliff, either. These cars are fully engaged, transmission on and engines roaring, before they’re tossed off the mound.