CNC offering automotive glass technician program

By CRM Staff

Toronto, Ontario — December 18, 2018 — For the first time ever, the College of New Caledonia (CNC) in British Columbia is offering an Automotive Glass Technician Apprentice certification program.

The program, which became available this fall, is the first trade at CNC to use a blended online face-to-face model. The 16-week course features 15 weeks of online training followed by a week at CNC’s shop, where students are given the chance to apply their knowledge in a practical setting.

The online program provides students with an opportunity to get their certification without having to take extended time off work, while also accommodating students outside of the Prince George area.

“Blended delivery can really enhance the apprenticeship experience,” said program instructor Ken Rowell. “This allows an apprentice to spend more time learning at their job while still being able to develop a network of peers outside of their workplace.”

Roswell spoke with Collision Repair in December to provide an update on the online program.

“Everyone has a personal schedule and they are doing well. Many of the apprentices have a lot of experience and skill, but found it difficult to get their certifications in the north because nothing had been offered locally.”

The school is expecting its first group of students on Jan, 21 2019, for their week of practical training. The next group will follow one week later.

“The practical week is largely designed for assessment and review. I am sure it will be especially good for the more entry-level apprentices in the classes to learn not only from me but from those experienced people in their class too.” Rowell said. “It should be a good time.”

For more information about the program visit trades@cnc. 

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