THE MENTAL TOLL A United Arab Emirates-based road safety advocacy group is working to address the invisible wounds that come with auto collisions. In collaboration with OnStar, RoadSafetyUAE is seeking “to understand and therefore better address the emotional state and requirements of drivers in their time of need” by studying the psychological impact of auto […]
Skills Ontario, alongside Fix Network at their Milton, Ont. training centre, has officially cut the ribbon on the Trades and Tech Truck before it sets off to schools across the province. With the smell of tacos wafting from a food truck and the sound of mingling guests filling the air, representatives from both Fix Auto […]
YOU KNOW HOW GREAT THE INDUSTRY IS—DEFEND IT BY DARRYL SIMMONS Have you ever been to a party? Assuming you’re not the fabled hermit refinisher we’ve been keen to feature, you’ve probably attended a shindig or two in your day. Even if you’ve never left your house there’s an all-too-likely chance you’ve been asked the […]