The good, the bad, and the ugly: The very best, and very worst of custom fabrication and body kits

By Barett Poley – January 1, 2017 Style, while completely subjective, definitely has some firm do’s and don’ts. Absolutely stunning custom work can be done in a home garage, but for the most part it’s best left to the professionals. This is even the case when it comes to body kits. Far too many do-it-yourselfers […]
7 Times Cars Crashed into Autobody Shops

By Barett Poley-November 9, 2016 Sometimes irony presents itself in very coincidental, very funny ways in the real world. They say that gunpowder was invented in a bid to create a cure for death, and have you ever heard of a fire station burning down? Or a marriage counselor filing for divorce? Strange […]